Saturday, October 14, 2006

Found In Translation

I've got Pink-eye. Not a big deal. It's the 4th time in as many years. And, as usual, it's due to my neglegence in proper Contact Lens care. You'd think I'd learn by now.

As I went to class the other day, fully aware that my left eye is very noticably dark red, I explained the situation to my TA who in turn relayed it to my students in Mandarin.

As an added bonus, I wrote "Pink-Eye" on the board. Usefull English, I would imagine. My TA seemed to get a little timid when I did that. She said something to the class, pointing at the "Pink-Eye" on the board, to which they all laughed.

As I learned that day, the Mandarin word for "Asshole" translates litteraly to "Pink Eye." That's probably my new nickname now.