Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Independence Day

Ah yes, celebrating the Fourth Of China. The office I'm moonlighting for is American owned, and so there was a Fourth of July barbeque.

Me, my roommates, the office owner, and about a dozen Chinese citizens.

As I have ceased to be a very patriotic person(since about the year 2000 or so, can't imagine why), it didn't strike me as much more than an excuse to get together with other people that didn't feel like working that day.

There was karaoke. There's always karaoke. For a nation that has a serious grudge against Japan, they are all about the karaoke.

Out of the blue, I was asked how I would be celebrating July 4th if I was still in the states.

"Fireworks," I said. "We like blowing things up in America."

They understood that. For the Chinese Independence Day, the entire country shuts down for a full week so they can set off fireworks 24/7.

But, they wanted more details. Specificly, what would I be doing if I were in the states right now.

I though about it.

"Well," I said, "I'd probably be alone in my appartment with a stack of DVD's, a 24-pack of Dr. Pepper, and a dozen frozen pizzas, doing everything humanly possible to never leave until the next morning."

They asked why.

I told them a little story. Last year, when I was in the states, I tried to do just that. But, I hadn't planned ahead enough, and ran out of soda. So, I was forced to go for a one block walk to a 7-11. In the space of that one block, I had firecrackers go off within 2 feet of me on 5 seperate occasions. Finally, on my way back, I was was witness to a 50-year-old man, fat enough to be a guest on Jerry Springer, shoot a bottle rocket into the open window of a moving car.

Now, when I told this story in the states, I would get a few rolled eyes and a couple of "Oh, that's just how people are" reactions.

However, after telling this story to my new Chinese friends, jaws hit the floor en masse. Because you see, in China, throwing firecrackers at strangers and shooting bottle-rockets at cars is considered a bad thing, and not a proper way to celebrate the anniversary of national freedom.

What a bunch of dirty commies.