Thursday, August 24, 2006

Shameless Self-Promotion

The job that facilitated my arrival into China has become all but non-existent. I was employed by a friend's father to teach his Chinese sales staff how to speak English with more proper pronunciation. However, business has not been kind to this little company, and I find myself with less and less to do during the work-week.

Well, I've already arranged a new job. Starting the 1st of September, I'll be an official English Teacher. A local school that specializes in training Chinese Citizen for work in Austrailian owned hotels learned of my long and painful history in the American Hotel Industry, and all but fell over themselves to get me on their faculty. Apparently I've already become the subject of much talk among the other teachers, since I have been offered a large stack of benefits that none of them would ever dream of even asking for.

In the meantime, I'm spending my time at the Home Office, trying to build promotion for FrogFaith, in order to facilitate the gathering of investor money for our movie project.

To start with, I've cut a trailer.

More Exciting is a short film made by the FrogFaith gang just before I joined up with them in Chicago. I had absolutely nothing to do with it's production. But, since we're trying to get the word out on FrogFaith's capabilities, we're making the entire short film (all 30 minutes of Black and White fun) available for free download on our film site.

Considering the size of the file, I volunteered to edit together a "Theatrical Trailer" for the movie, in order to help folks decide if they want to trouble with the download or not.

I'm rather proud of myself, if I do say so.

I just felt like showing off.